Future of Jobs: top skills

Strategy Talk

Coming up with creative solutions and imagination for possible futures become even more important skills. The World Economic Forum’s 2023 edition ‘The Future of Jobs’ report also confirms this by naming the top skills in 2027. Let’s develop the habit of being curious and open-minded in every situation and wanting to keep learning (growth mindset). And to use our imagination and creativity. Only in this way can we demonstrate the necessary flexibility to respond imaginatively and effectively to changes in very different situations. It is not without reason that curiosity & lifelong development and resilience, agility and flexibility are in 4th and 5th place.

In 2023, analytical thinking will still come first. It is expected that more and more tasks in the workplace will be automated, including reasoning and decision-making, with this automation increasing by 9% by 2027.

Read the report here: Future of Jobs 2023, WEF

Saving your creative soul

Strategy Talk

A well told message from Scott Berkun about how the creative process works. Listen to yourself, independent of others. Keep Going, do it anyway. Because “Making Stuff” is all about sit there and do the work. That’s the challenge. Loved this, made me get back to work with my own ideas about design thinking and strategy.

Being Elmo – a puppeteers journey

The Video Section

Wow, i like these kind of stories. Focus on what makes you happy, no matter what people say. Hope I can see the film soon.