When you wake up, do you remember your dreams?


Oooh, this resonates. Modern poetry talking to your heart.

This world that you imagine,
do you remember what was saying?

When it’s just you and your heart.
Do you believe?

Do you define the eyes, defy gravity
brushed the hate off and take off.

What does that feel like,
when life begins to mirror your dreams?

Do you rise like flights, like hikes, like Mike?
air up there, up there is reserved for those who dare to reach.

Who ain’t scared to breach the barriers that were built to box you in.
Walls can’t contain the giant inside.

Don’t let their assumptions lock you in.
You take leaps of faith.

Get air, those are clouds, you’re walking.
Do you see that you have the ability to stretch time, take time and freeze frame it?

Those that thought you were nothing more than the conditions you were born to.
Wherever be surprised that you made it?

You have to be fearless when you step on life stages.

When you wake up.
Do you remember your dreams?


credits: Uncommon creative studio. They created a one of a kind event for Jordan’s Beyond – inviting local Parisian streetballers to a reimagined disused bank based in Paris, re-styled to resemble a basketball court, to step up and play with some of Jordan’s most iconic ambassadors.

Words we don’t have


Words we don’t Have is a beautiful project showing the ways in which language and culture are inextricably linked. The words that exist (or that we make) form our language and become a part of our culture.

It’s a fascinating collection of words and concepts that are unique to localized dialects or non-English languages — each word helps us understand another way of seeing the world, while also helping to understand the ‘English speaking’ way of seeing the world too. With the aim to examine what these words tell about their cultures (and ours)

I love this website! I like very much the Dutch word: verlangzaam; which means (a desire) to slow down time, to stop the flow of time. Read the Dutch poem ‘Laat’ by Leonard Nolens. (Uit: ’Laat alle deuren op een kier’, 2004) where this word is used. Do other languages have this kind of word?



Vertraag je stap.

Stap trager dan je hartslag vraagt.



Verlangzaam je verlangen

En verdwijn met mate.

Neem niet je tijd

En laat de tijd je nemen –


A Revolution of Meaning – Tom Kniesmeijer

Culture, Learning

I finally got round to watch the TedX presentation by my former Re:Set colleague Tom Kniesmeijer. I love it. It adresses the issues in our society (Zeitgeist) and what you as an individual can do with it. As he puts it: We’re doing too much. Stand still, take a look inside and train your meaning muscle. Tom Kniesmeijer introduces the revolution of meaning. And this revolution needs you!