Words we don’t have


Words we don’t Have is a beautiful project showing the ways in which language and culture are inextricably linked. The words that exist (or that we make) form our language and become a part of our culture.

It’s a fascinating collection of words and concepts that are unique to localized dialects or non-English languages — each word helps us understand another way of seeing the world, while also helping to understand the ‘English speaking’ way of seeing the world too. With the aim to examine what these words tell about their cultures (and ours)

I love this website! I like very much the Dutch word: verlangzaam; which means (a desire) to slow down time, to stop the flow of time. Read the Dutch poem ‘Laat’ by Leonard Nolens. (Uit: ’Laat alle deuren op een kier’, 2004) where this word is used. Do other languages have this kind of word?



Vertraag je stap.

Stap trager dan je hartslag vraagt.



Verlangzaam je verlangen

En verdwijn met mate.

Neem niet je tijd

En laat de tijd je nemen –


Dare – Change

The Video Section

It’s an oldie, but still impressive. Fight your fears, come out of your comfort zone. Go, go, go. Nice video as an introduction when you want to introduce something new.


Mixed Sparks

Fridgewatcher is a great and simple idea, certainly a must for food marketeers! Fridgewatcher.com is a project where people open their fridges to others. Cause every fridge tells a story. This is an idea of Bloei, a dutch out-of-the-box-thinking company.

Dutch fridge

Italien fridge